Roc Paint Division: The City of Rochester’s
Youth Mural Arts Program.
This fall, the City of Rochester’s Department of Recreation
will be hiring for the third season of Roc Paint Division! Do you love to draw, sketch, or paint? Do you want to learn
about public art and how it can improve your community? Have you always wanted
to paint a mural…. and earn money while doing it?
If this sounds like you, you may be qualified to become a
member of the 2018 Roc Paint Division team!
Job Description:
The position begins in December and
runs through June.
Work will be approximately 10-15 hours
/ week (2-3 days after school)
You will work with local artists to
learn how to conceptualize, design, and paint murals to beautify City
You will get to explore the city and
see the different public art it has to offer.
To qualify, you must be:
Between the ages of 16 and 19
A resident of the City of Rochester
Currently enrolled in high school
Interested in visual art
Fill out the attached application and
submit it along with a cover letter clearly explaining your interest and
qualifications for this project. Email the application and cover letter
to the Northwest
Area Coordinator, Kendra Hayle, at kendra.hayle@cityofrochester.gov, OR drop them off at
the City office at 400 Dewey Avenue, marked "attn Kendra Hayle”
Tuesday, October 31, 2017. rocpaintdivision@gmail.com | rocpaintdivision.wordpress.com | Instagram: @rocpaintdivision
SEE Mr. Murphy for application.
Learning Targets:
I can determine two or more themes or central ideas of a text and analyze their development over the course of the text, including how they interact and build on one another to produce a complex account; provide an objective summary of the text.
Coming up: vocabulary Hamlet 5 quiz on Wednesday, October 24 (another copy below)
In class: quick review of this week's vocabulary. (see Hamlet 5 below)
Review of semicolons (last opportunity to turn in and get credit.)
Take out your notebooks with yesterday's writing in preparation to share and discuss.
When we have finished, they will be collected to be graded.
. 1. The score was tied; the game went into overtime.
2. Professor Brown has left the laboratory; however, you may still be able to reach her through email.
3. We didn't attend the play; besides, we had heard that all the good seats were taken.
4. The keys to the lower door were not, however, in their usual place. (no change)
5. Ingrid, a shortstop, made the team, but Joe, her cousin, did not make the cut. (no change)
8. Read the article out loud; then answer all ten questions on the quiz.
9. Martin had paid his dues; therefore, we allowed him to vote in the election.
10. The World Series had begun; however, we were still stuck in traffic.
11. Martin Luther King did not intend to become a preacher; originally he wanted to be a lawyer.
12. If you want to lose weight and keep it off, try a good diet; if you are serious about your goal, you should be successful.
15. The route suggested by Map Quest was not; however, open to traffic that day.
16. Many parents are in favor of school uniforms; they feel that the uniforms develop a sense of community among students.
17. The rain was causing flooding in many areas; however, we still carried out our plans.
18. Throwing his arms into the air, Mike looked absolutely dumbfounded; so he stood up, knocking all of the materials on the floor, and left the building.
19. John is a former police officer; he now stays home with his children.
20. He is not doing well in school; however, everyone hopes that he will be able to graduate.
The play has become tense; so Shakespeare starts of this scene with a little comic relief- or is it?
Hamlet and Horatio note how everyone eventually "looked o' this fashion i' th' earth"(V.i.200).
graveyard scene / family matters
ophelia's burial begin 6:36
Discussion questions:
1. How is it ultimately allowed that Ophelia may have a Christian burial, despite it being deemed she committed suicide?
2. Obviously, the gravedigger does not know to whom he is speaking, and tells Hamlet that Hamlet "he was mad: he shall recover his wits there; or, if he do not, it's no great matter there" (5.1.140-1). Why do you think the populace is unaware of Hamlet's return?
3. To whom does the skull belong?
4. Whilst scrutinizing the skull, Hamlet tells the head: "Now get you to my lady's chamber, and tell her, let her paint an inch thick, to this favor she must come; let her laugh at that" (5.1.181-83). To whom do you think he is referring, and what is the deeper message?
copy of the assignment from yesterday's blog and Wednesday's vocabulary handout
As we look at the beginning of Act 5, 1, consider the following:
What is the purpose of this scene? Be prepared to answer this question in a well-written response of no fewer than 100 words. Use your notebooks and begin with a MLA heading. Make sure you have woven in text and cited. The material from the film is in the text on 5.1.1-218. I'll collect them at the start of class tomorrow. I suggest you carefully read the lines and take notes on your observations.
ophelia's burial stop at 6:29
Hamlet vocabulary 5 quiz on Wednesday, September 24
1. discord (noun)- disagreement, lack of harmony (My soul is full of discord and dismay.) note the prefix dis means not
2. scourge (noun)- whip
3. garrison (noun); (also a verb- to garrison)- the troops who maintain a fortified place
4. bestial (adjective)- lacking human qualities
5. craven (adjective)- completely lacking in courage
6. scruple (noun)- an ethical or moral principle that inhibits action
7. conjecture (noun)- an hypothesis that has been formed by speculating note the prefix con means with
8. to inter (verb)- to place in a grave; note that the prefix in means between or among, as in interdepartmental or interest or influence
9. superfluous (adjective)- more than is desired, needed or wanted
10.incensed (adjective)-angered by an unjust wrong.
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